Friday, May 30, 2008

A Note to My Kids Regarding Summer...

Dear Son & Daughter, There's one more week of school left, can you believe it? I know, this year has gone by so fast. Now you have a long summer of ??? to look forward to.

About that, the long summer thing... I just wanted to make sure we understand one another before the 'fun' begins. Contrary to what you may have come to understand from summers past... I, your mom, am not, I repeat NOT, your Cruise Director. It's important that you know, starting now, that should you become bored over the long hot days of summer, I am not the person to ask, "What should 'WE' do?" nor, "Where should we go?"

Let it also be know that I am not your Personal Maid. If you dirty a dish, clean it up! If you've run out of clean clothes, wash them, dry them, fold them and put them away! If you leave your crap laying around, put it away! It's really not that difficult... You see, I do stuff like this all the time... I just don't want to spend MY summer doing it EXCLUSIVELY for you.

Here's another thought to keep in mind. During the summer months it would be foolish of you to assume I am your personal chef. So when you're hungry, don't search me out to ask, "So, what's for lunch?" If you're hungry, make yourself something. There's food in there, trust me, I buy it every week! If you'd really like to put a smile on my face, make me something too, while you're at it.

Lastly, here's a role I REALLY don't want to fall into this summer.

I really detest the image of 'Drill Sergeant'. I don't wish to spend MY summer telling you what to do. I don't want to berate you for sleeping past noon every day, so don't!... If the lawn needs mowing, MOW IT!... If the trash needs to go out, TAKE IT OUT!... If something needs to be done around the house, DO IT!... Don't ask questions or give me attitude. I ask these things of you, not to make your lives miserable but to allow us to peacefully coexist in something other than utter filth and chaos.

I'm not the only person who lives in this house... We're a community of people living together, and as a community, we each need to do our part and help out our fellow Man or in this case 'Mom'.

Now, I hope we understand each other. So you two go off and have a wonderful last week of school and here's to a Great Summer.... Together!

Your Mom

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Blogger lime said...

standing ovation. may i print this out and post it on my fridge? i couldn't say it better myself.

9:04 PM, June 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it really that simple? Just write them a letter and they magically turn into the perfect, well mannered off spring? You let me know if it works so I can try that route (God knows nothing else has worked thus far.)

9:45 PM, June 02, 2008  
Blogger EmBee said...

Thanks Lime, print away... And Christy, time will tell if it's going to make a difference. So far, I haven't even succeeded in getting them to read it... Perhaps I too, should print it out and post it on my fridge.

11:06 AM, June 03, 2008  
Blogger lime said...

embee, we need to print it multiple times and post it on fridge doors, bedroom doors, bathroom and computer screens
everywhere until they "get it."

2:41 PM, June 03, 2008  
Blogger EmBee said...

Now Lime, you know that's just wishful thinking... When have they EVER noticed ANYTHING other than their own agenda?

Unless perhaps the printouts are attached with balloons, streamers & confetti... Maybe throwing in a marching band would work?

4:05 PM, June 03, 2008  
Blogger Miss Awesome said...

I'm printing this out and giving it to my six year old. You really can't start too early with these things :P

11:39 AM, June 04, 2008  
Blogger Gretchen said...

Congrats on being the SITS FB of the day!!!

I love your letter. Very inspiring. I should have given my kids one of those!

2:17 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger EmmaP said...

Love it!!!!!!! I need to print this up into a contract for each of my kids to sign for next summer!!! hahaha!

2:23 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Great post! Congrats on your SITS feature.

2:30 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Melissa Lester said...

I probably should have read this before our summer started. I love the photos you posted illustrating your point! I could add that I don't want to be an attorney mediating disputes between siblings.

3:00 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Buttons and Dots Photography said...

You hit the nail right on the head with htis one! I wish I had founf it before summer began!

3:23 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm with Big Momma, I am so printing that out and showing it to my son. If I hear the phrase "what are we doing exciting today, mummy?" I am going to scream!

3:44 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger trash said...

Perhaps at 6 & 9 they are just a little young to do the washing and cooking all by themselves but they contribute. Things work so much better when all the cogs in the machine are primed and oiled. everyone realises. It can only be to the benefit of the family unit AND the child's own development.

3:53 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Tinabean said...

I'm thinking I totally need to borrow this letter from you to give to my kids next year.
I think you hit what all moms are thinking & want to say or say right on the nails head!

Congrats on being featured today!

4:09 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger . said...

ROFL. I love this letter. I think I'll have to store you words up for future reference for my two munchkins :)


4:58 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Belle (from Life of a...) said...

You deserve an award for this one. I'm going to print it and tuck it away for next summer when my daughter is home from college! BRAVO!

5:44 AM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great one! I especially love the cruise director bit. It worries me when kids don't know how to entertain themselves. That alone is a great skill to develop!

Oh -and the mowing the lawn/picking up for youself bit too.

Happy SITS day!

6:45 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Heather said...

Oh, I'm also totally going to save this for when my kiddo is old enough that she can comply with the things like fixing her own lunch, mowing the lawn and doing her own laundry... :) Glad to hear it actually worked for your kids this summer!!


6:48 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Lori said...

Can I edit this to say, "Dear Son and Daughter and HUSBAND"?

6:55 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh how I wish I would have found this at the beginning of summed up my feelings perfectly...and now, tomorrow, they go back to went by so fast, I feel bad for complaining so much...
Congrats on the SITS feature!

6:59 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Creative Junkie said...

Not only am I going to print this, I'm going to laminate it and frame it and post it in each of my kids' bedrooms. And then I'm going to blow up the original and wallpaper my kitchen wall with it.

7:14 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL glad you guys had a great summer- my heathens are hopeless, I think.
I do have a great cure for boredom, though. Every time they tell me they are bored they get to do a chore of my choosing, lucky them.
Funny thing is, once we implemented that, boredom dropped dramatically around here.

7:20 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Threeundertwo said...

Happy SITS day! This is so funny. I love the pictures! My big capable kids still think I'm the only one who knows what to do in the kitchen. I can totally relate.

7:56 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger What A Card said...

Happy SITS Day, and glad to hear the summer went well. Can't believe it's already back to school time, though!

7:57 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Kathi Roach said...

This is a great post! I loved the cruise director hubby always says the kids think I'm Julie McCoy each Summer! Mom, what are we gonna do today???

8:28 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Caroline said...

What a great letter! Do you think it would work on my two year old?

Congrats on your SITS day!

8:30 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Casey's trio said...

This letter will come in handy for me a few years from now....but I'm glad you all had a great summer. Congrats on your SITS feature.

8:44 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Feliz said...

I love this. I am saving this idea for summers to come. Happy SITSday!

9:04 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Justine said...

Oh damn, if only I would have thought to write something like this to my girls! Don't think it would have had any impact on my 7 year old though. Maybe not even for the 11 year old!

Justine :o )

9:06 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Linda S said...

Wow, this was great! Wish I'd had this at the beginning of the summer! I'm writing my own next year! Congrats on your SITS day!

9:11 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Debbie Y. said...

You said it all! I took my daughter everywhere before she learned to drive. I even went on dates with her and had to be "The Space Police." Seemed like everytime my back was turned she was practically in her boyfriends lap checking out his tonsils. LOL

9:11 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger stefanie said...

Well said, and I am going to keep the link somewhere so I can use this next year...

9:16 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Belle Adorn said...

Awesome letter!

Even the kids appreciate advance notice on what's expected. Makes it easier for everyone.

10:07 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Upward Falling Autumn said...

Haha, that's awesome!

Congrats on your SITS day!!

10:11 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Amy said...

Amen SITSta! you took those words right out of my mough :D

10:12 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Melissa said...

Congratulations on your SITS day.

Today is the first day of school and I'm already rejoicing in my free time. I have so much cleaning that I won't be getting to!!! :)

10:13 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Tami said...

I love that! I think you should send it to every school so they can put it in every child's last report card :)

Congrats on being featured!

10:19 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Cheryl Ann said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

My mom used to say the same stuff before each summer started...

10:49 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger ♥ Becky ♥ said...

Happy SITS Day!!!!
I just love this little letter and may have to use it next summer on my kids. What a great way to drive the point home that you are not there for their every whim.

Well done!!! :-)

10:50 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Mama Dawg said...

I think they should make a manual for kids. If they do, this should be the first page under the "summer vacation" section. Well said.

10:52 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger katylinvw said...

lol! this is great! glad to hear that it worked, too! :)

10:57 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger sassy stephanie said...

I love it. I am always telling my kids to get busy...nothing's fo free, including stayin' with me!

11:08 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Jenni said...

Do you think this would apply DIRECTLY to my eight and four year olds? Just the image of them trying to do their own laundry has me torn between blissful happiness and pure terror. So many things could go wrong. . .

11:09 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger serra said...

awesome! I don't have kids, but sometimes wonder if I should right something up for my husband...??

jk ;)

11:16 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

So funny! The pictures you chose were perfect. I know MANY mom are standing up and applauding you ( and saving this post for their own family -for next summer!)

11:29 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Maternal Mirth said...

With my kids, you'd have to add "Referee" to the list of things you are NOT.

Great post, SITSta :)

11:54 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Melanie Dickens said...

I am saving this for next year. It is great and could not be put any better. Great post.

11:57 AM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Nik said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

I love this letter - I agree with someone else....Husband needs to be added on there!

12:04 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Ronnica said...

Glad it seemed to help. Happy SITS day!

12:08 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Aubrey said...

Great! I wish I would have found you BEFORE summer started. This would have been posted in every corner of the house!

12:17 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is too cute. I think I need to save it for when my little one is older. This piece is ageless.

12:50 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Rhea said...

I was about to ask how the summer went, then I saw your note at the bottom. I'm glad your warning worked. hehe I think all of us moms agree wholeheartedly with every bit of what you said. I'm was nodding and sayin', "AMEN, SITSta!"

1:09 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy SITS day! Great post!!!

1:21 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Brad's gaggle of girls said...


WOW I wish I had said it!

1:29 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I love it. I would add that I am not their play mate either. They have each other. And their friends.

1:52 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Stephanie said...

That is absolutely brilliant. Maybe I'll just copy this letter and save it for when my 3- and 1-year-olds are teenagers...

1:57 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Claremont First Ward said...

I need to print this out right now for next summer! :) Congrats on your SITS day!

2:09 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Party of 5 said...

What a great idea!

Congrats on your SITS feature!

2:11 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Lula! said...

Best post I've read all day--just don't tell anyone else I said thta!

2:21 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe, that was so good. I think I need to save that for later use when my kids are old enough to appreciate that.

I may even need to print that out. :D

2:36 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Alison said...

Amen! I will probably need this one day. Right now mine are too little for me to get out of making food for them--although I have started telling the five year old she can get snacks for herself.

2:46 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Live.Love.Eat said...

Well done. And great to see it worked!!! Congrats on being featured drill sergeant, I mean, MOM!!!!

3:00 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Nessa said...

Fantastic post!

3:13 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Jess NBP said...


That's wonderful that you guys have had a great summer. Really simple and to the point.

MomDot Street Team more than just moms.

4:23 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, I doubt my kids would even get to the end of the letter before rolling their eyes and feeding it to the dog. If they did happen to do housework without provocation or complaint, I might have to wonder where they'd stashed the body.

5:12 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

That my dear was AWESOME!!!

5:16 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Gosh- that was good. The words were terrific but those images were too funny! I'm emailing this link to my 16 yr. old and 11 yr. old. What a hoot!

6:01 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Aubrey said...

That's awesome. I'll have to remember that when my kids are big enough to do take care of themselves. I so cannot wait.

6:31 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger WheresMyAngels said...

Love your visuals. I think I need to do a post like this aimed at my husband! Maybe with the pictures added he could understand it.

7:01 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Andie said...

I love it! I definately need to remember this one come next summer!

7:50 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger wendy said...

brilliant! i'll remember that next summer.

happy SITS day!

7:53 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Kelly said...

Very cool; I'm glad it worked. Thanks for the laugh!!
Congrats on your SITS day; bask in your comment love :)

8:20 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger cricketphx said...

Love it! I actually laughed out loud. Will be keeping that in mind for next summer!!

8:24 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Hillary said...

That is hilarious! And glad it was effective!

8:35 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger S Club Mama said...

this is hilarious. the pictures just add that much more to it!

8:55 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Cristin said...

Love this!! Can't wait for school to start.... a week and a half and I'm FREE!!!!

8:56 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Laurie said...

I am glad this worked for you... Happy SITS day!

9:06 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Rachelle Lynne said...

Yeah. Great. This would have NEVER worked in my house! LOL! Glad your summer was relaxing! Happy SITS day!

9:35 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Briana said...

This is sooo funny and the photos drive the message home! LOL.

10:40 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Tiffany said...

Hysterical. The pictures are great. A classic post!

11:12 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Angie's Spot said...

I need to keep this for future reference. LOL! Congrats on your big day!!

11:20 PM, August 20, 2008  
Blogger Michelle said...

I have a feeling I may be writing a very similar note at some point in the future. Is 3 and 5 too young to start this? ;)

11:21 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait until mine are old enough to make food on their own...

11:51 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

way to go mom!

12:25 AM, August 21, 2008  
Blogger Jennifer P. said...

It was fun to put the picture of the flower together with the blog it goes to!

I loved this letter! Direct, straight forward, not too mean, with lots of loving undertones! Glad it worked for ya!

1:19 AM, August 21, 2008  
Blogger mrsmouthy said...

Oh darn. You looked so good in all the costumes. :)

4:40 AM, August 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great letter....yes, I'll have to bookmark this for when my lil guy is older. ;)

8:38 AM, August 21, 2008  
Blogger Tracy P. said...

Those pictures are hilarious! Came by from SITS a day late. Hope you had fun!

2:52 PM, August 21, 2008  
Blogger Sunshine said...

That. was. awesome. And since *I* didn't think of it, I'm so copying you!

I've learned so much.

2:56 PM, August 21, 2008  
Blogger Rela Pantaleon said...

Woo hoo!! Congratulations!!! (No kids here, but maybe I should try this on my beloved - not only for Summer but all year round!)

BTW, where'd you get all those nice pics?

8:04 PM, August 21, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

Very well said!!!! :-)

1:49 AM, August 23, 2008  
Blogger Untypically Jia said...

Woo! Rock on sistah-friend!

7:25 PM, August 27, 2008  

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