Thursday, May 22, 2008

Yeah, I'm down with all that's Tech

I added to my blog roll (check out, Christy & Amy) AND included a link you'll find if you scroll down the page...
And here's the REAL COOL part... I did it sans 'Techno Man' aka, my son.
Just call me 'Madame HTML'

Anyway, about that link... Sorry, self promotion takes precedence to 'Feeding the World'... I'm working on humility... No really, I am!

Free Rice! Click on it and if you're competitive in any way (like me), I dare you to try and stop. I was up until after midnight last night telling myself, "Just one more word... Just one more definition... Just another 1,000 grains of rice for the hungry!"

You see, it works like this:

In the middle of the FreeRice Home page you will see something like:

small means:


To play the game, click on one of the four definitions (“little,” “old,” “big,” or “yellow”) that you think is correct. If you get it right, FreeRice donates 20 grains of rice to help end hunger. In the example above, you would want to click on “little,” which means “small.” You will then get a chance to do another word the same way. You can play as long as you like and give as much rice as you like.

What's in it for you?:

Learning new vocabulary has tremendous benefits. It can help you:

  • Formulate your ideas better
  • Write better papers, emails and business letters
  • Speak more precisely and persuasively
  • Comprehend more of what you read
  • Read faster because you comprehend better
  • Get better grades in high school, college and graduate school
  • Score higher on tests like the SAT, GRE, LSAT and GMAT
  • Perform better at job interviews and conferences
  • Sell yourself, your services, and your products better
  • Be more effective and successful at your job

After you have done FreeRice for a couple of days, you may notice an odd phenomenon. Words that you have never consciously used before will begin to pop into your head while you are speaking or writing. You will feel yourself using and knowing more words.

So why are you sitting here reading this?... Go, click on the link, build your brain-power and more importantly, Feed the Hungry!

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Blogger EmBee said...

Thanks bluesky, I'll check it out!

8:57 AM, May 23, 2008  
Blogger Whiskeymarie said...

I love the free rice "game". Once sucked in, I can easily spend 1/2 an hour or more playing this.

Well, there goes my day now.

9:58 AM, May 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daughter plays that game--they do it at school in computer lab. And I have to admit that while I am intrigued, the last time I tried one of her games "just for fun" I ended up going out and buying my own Webkinz toy so I could have control over how to decorate its on-line bedroom.

10:47 AM, May 23, 2008  
Blogger EmBee said...

"I ended up going out and buying my own Webkinz toy so I could have control over how to decorate its on-line bedroom."

Christy, you so crack me up! Control freak much?

11:49 AM, May 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, I know...I know.

8:13 PM, May 23, 2008  

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