Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane....

Boarding Passes - Check!
Rental Car Confirmation - Check!
Hotel Confirmation - Check!
Nerves - Um, I'm working on that.

Last night I had one of THOSE dreams... You know the type?... STRESS dreams! OH, how I LOVE the stress dreams (I'm being facetious of course!) In my dream it's 3:35 pm and I haven't even begun packing for my son or myself and we were supposed to leave for the airport at 3:00! So I'm racing around trying to think about what I need to pack and I'm so frazzled I can't focus on a single item... I can't even find the suitcases. Eventually my brain checked out of the dream because clearly I wasn't making ANY headway. The dream did however leave the lingering gift of butterflies that trail from the pit of my stomach all the way to the base of my throat... Breakfast anyone? Even a walk in the suffocating mid-atlantic humidity couldn't abate the flutters.

So my mission this morning is to get packin'... I think once I get into the rhythm of the task I'll feel much better... If I traveled more often I really don't think this would be such a big deal.

btw: Our hotel room has free internet so with my sons laptop in tow I should be able to keep blogging while I'm away... I'm sure there'll be many stories to tell.


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