Friday, June 16, 2006

Just the right amount of 'Quirkiness'...

Your Quirk Factor: 42%
You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them!


Blogger (M)ary said...

Excellent! You are the perfect level of quirkiness!
I like the pink puckered lip motif.

PS...I have sooo given up my rule about not being on the computer until the sun sets. The point was I should be enjoying the beautiful evening, but hey...I can open the window and look outside while I am checking the blogs.

5:36 PM, June 16, 2006  
Blogger EmBee said...

I'd say if you can look outside while you blog... Then you are one lucky chick!

I kinda liked the finger of quirkiness motif myself... The lips seem a bit sexist and really not my style.

9:14 PM, June 16, 2006  

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