Saturday, June 17, 2006

Crunch Fat Burning Dance Exercising...

This morning instead of my regular routine of walking a couple of miles I decided to work out to my NEW DVD 'Crunch - Fat Burning Retro Dance Party'... Just typing the title makes me feel like I've burned a few more calories. I should also come clean and tell you that the DVD isn't that NEW. I bought it a few months ago... But as with anything I do related to exercise, I have to ease my way into it. So what I do is this... I purchase the video and then I let it sit on the shelf for a time while I consider the difficulty factor and ponder my reasoning for buying the damn thing in the first place. Eventually I get around to actually popping the video into the player and thus confirm the fact that I should have saved my money.

I'm not completely rythmless... When I DO dance I imagine that I don't look half bad or stand out from the other people on the dance floor (of course Elaine on 'Seinfeld' might have thought the same thing.) My problem really seems to be with structured dances... Line dances and the like... Such as 'The Electric Slide'... I'm so lame when it comes to getting the moves down... Everybody goes right, I inevitably go left... The only part of the 'Electric Slide' I ever seem to be on cue for is the forward and backward shimmy... Much to the dismay of the people either side of me on the dance floor, my lack of moves and timing don't keep me from going out there to once again, give it the old college try... Makes you want to invite me to your next wedding or mitzvah party doesn't it?

So, imagine how easy the 'Electric Slide' is to most of you out there and then imagine someone like me working out to an entire dance video! Believe me, I'm a one woman comedy routine with an audience of one. Because just imagining how goofy I must look gets me laughing every time. I'm not sure how many calories one can burn just bouncing around out of step to a DVD but the belly jiggling up and down with gut wrenching laughter
has to be doing something remotely aerobic... Right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I promise...I'll help some point...though if me not helping you produces these funny blogs then your on your own. LOL See ya Sunday,

7:53 PM, June 17, 2006  

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