Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Feelin' Cool... Lookin' Miserable

I'm wondering... Why don't dogs like to be bathed? It's the middle of summer... They're covered with fur... Wouldn't you think that a date with a hose would make for a more comfortable existence? Not for Anna... Her attitude towards being bathed is clearly visible in the top most picture. True, she is an indoor dog and therefore spends her days luxuriating in an air conditioned environment... But a bath, A really good Bath not only refreshes the skin but also the spirit!... I think Anna would disagree. Posted by Picasa


Blogger MGW said...

Thanks for you kind note. I am recovering but frankly it would be better if the job just ended rather than this prolonged draw-out goodbye. Beautiful dog, by the way. Of course, I'm no judge -- all dogs are beautiful (if they have decent owners). I've been enjoying your writing -- and the pictures. M

9:40 AM, July 12, 2006  
Blogger lime said...

thanks for the stop by my place. i think i'd have preferred a greeting from you over the uber-creepy guy i met on the beach on the elk river!

btw, LOVE the frog pic. my son and i do the same thing:)

11:17 AM, July 12, 2006  
Blogger EmBee said...

Thanks Milly...
Here's a thought I've shared with my kids many times when life gets unbearable -
"If every day were Christmas then Christmas wouldn't mean anything anymore."
One must endure Difficult times in order to truly appreciate the Good times... It's just a shame that your Difficulties all came heaped up in one giant steaming pile!
Don't worry though, because Christmas Always comes around again.

12:27 PM, July 12, 2006  
Blogger EmBee said...

Which one Lime? In this part of the country there's a whole plethora of uber-creepy guys!

Hope you had a good vacation!

12:30 PM, July 12, 2006  

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