Monday, July 10, 2006

Summer Evenings

A Leopard Frog

My daughter and I have a ritual that takes place on 'not so muggy' summer evenings. We go for a walk and she hunts for toads and frogs. She's got amazingly quick hands so there are few critters that can escape her grasp. Once she catches said 'critter' she brings it over to show me and together we say, "Hello little guy!.... Awwww, He's so cute!" (as if we were admiring a precious newborn baby.) Then my daughter wanders back to the approximate location she captured the critter and let's him go.

I can't help but wonder what the frogs and toads think of this phenomenon?
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Blogger (M)ary said...

Toad or frog, how can you tell the difference? Are they the same animal?

Anyway, the guy in this picture seems to be looking straight into the camera. He might be thinking, "hurry up. i have to get back to my busy day doing ____"
Fill in the blank, I have no idea what frogs do all day.

9:09 PM, July 10, 2006  
Blogger EmBee said...

OH, believe you me... My daughter is an EXPERT on frogs and toads. If I make a mistake and don't identify the critter correctly I receive one hellacious eye roll and a look that says, "I pity you for your inferior intellect."

The way I understand it is that Frogs are the smooth slimey creatures that dwell mostly in water and toads are the rough, bumpy type that like to live under logs.

As for me... I think this little guy is thinking, "What the hell?"

10:03 PM, July 10, 2006  

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