Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Exhuastive Search....

Cons: Still no decision on the patio furniture.

Pros: Still have over $700 in our pockets.

Note to self: When looking at patio furniture DON'T run your hand across a slate mosaic table illustrating how easy it would be to clean... You'll spend the next 45 minutes removing a glass shard embedded in your finger.

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Blogger scargosun said...

I was doing the mail at the office and I snagged this catalog called "Home Decorators Colletion". They have some nice stuff that is reasonably priced and they are on-line.

10:16 AM, June 18, 2008  
Blogger EmBee said...

Thanks 'Scar'... Can I call you Scar for short?

Yes, I know 'HDC' well... I receive their catalogs every once in a while. I'll go check out their site.

11:24 AM, June 18, 2008  
Blogger Carrie said...

have you looked at Sears? That is where we got ours last year. there are also some patio stres near our house!

11:26 AM, June 18, 2008  
Blogger EmBee said...

Hi Carrie, Yeah, that's where I found the table that generously allowed me to take a piece of it home with me.

Boscov's, believe it or not, actually had the biggest selection. If it weren't for the stupid deck size, I'd be lounging in my lovely new patio set right now.

11:38 AM, June 18, 2008  

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