Monday, June 05, 2006

More Cake.... *sigh*

I'm going to be heading out to California in YIKES, less than 3 weeks. Initially I was hoping to drop another 10 pounds so I could, you know, impress the relatives with my incredibly svelte physique! Lately though there've been too many family gatherings that have involved really good food! If I were to measure my willpower on a scale of one to ten, one being the lowest... I'd have to say it ranks about .005! I mean c'mon who can say no to a big slab of cake from Costco with all that thick sweet icing?... It's just asking for me to consume more than one piece. Then to add insult to injury our cousin says, "Please take some of this home, we can't eat it all!" To which I reply "NO, No I can't have it in the house!" So what does she do? She turns to my son and says, "Do you want to take some of this cake for later?"... And you know what the little traitor said? "SURE!"... Now who do you think ended up eating that piece of cake? That's right, ME! My son forgot all about the delicious confection sitting in the fridge the next day so I scarfed it and I enjoyed every morsel. When I was done licking every smattering of icing off of the plate and fork, I found myself wishing that I had asked for more cake! I'm never going to lose 10 pounds with that kind of resolve.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(See I do read your blog) Hmm the temtation of cake. Well just remember there will always be a place for Marge BlyBake in our home.

4:20 PM, June 10, 2006  

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