Monday, October 09, 2006

Too Many Magazines... Too Little Time.

I've been on a magazine craze for the past year... I guess one day I decided I didn't have enough to read and thought a couple magazine subscriptions would be nice.

I enjoy magazines with helpful tips for the Home (Family Circle, Good Housekeeping), Card Making & Scrapbooking ideas (Card Maker, Paper Works, Scrapbooks etc., Creating Keepsakes) Decorating and Gardening ideas (Better Homes & Gardens), the latter at which I'm a bitter failure, but the pictures make me happy and the dream of an incredible yard one day keeps me yearning for more. I also LOVE Recipe Magazines (Taste of Home, Southern Living, Quick Cooking and all those little mini recipe idea magazines the grocery stores strategically place next to the register that serve to tempt me just like the candy rack tempts my kids.)... The problem is I have SO MANY Cooking mags I couldn't dare hope to try even half of the recipes that catch my eye, even if I prepared a new dish for each meal of each day for as long as I live... The irony is that if I'm in a lurch for a recipe, I typically turn to the internet for what I need. BUT, oh the joy of paging through all those delectible dish's and dreaming about how good they must taste.

My kids and my husband also receive subscriptions for magazines such as National Geographic and Woodsmith for my husband. My son enjoys new advances in technology so he receives Scientific American and Popular Mechanics. It's no surprise the Nature Girl, ie. my daughter, loves National Geographic World, Audubon, Ranger Rick and Nickelodeon... And the family favorite has always been Reader's Digest.

So my question is this... What do I DO with all of these magazines... They house a wealth of information that I find extremely difficult to discard. So I've devised a plan!!! During the long, cold months of winter I intend to purge each magazine for its worthy content and start a library of USEFUL information. I'll pick up some notebooks and page protectors and cardstock in which to hold all of these useful items and I'll be sure to categorize each snippet of useful info and then send the rest to the recycle bin.

Yeah, that's what I'll be doing with all that EXTRA time I have! Until then, I'd better swear off buying any more magazines!

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Blogger lime said...

recycle them now. don't wait.

2:21 PM, October 10, 2006  
Blogger EmBee said...

Oh Lime, you are so obviously NOT obsessive compulsive!

3:07 PM, October 10, 2006  

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