Monday, November 26, 2007

24 yrs. ago Today...

24 yrs. ago Today I married the man I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

I wasn't nervous, not in the least... I just wanted to 'get to it, already'... Get it done, get married and start a new life... Wake up each morning with the man I love beside me.

The wedding was corny, the ceremony unexceptional... The song, sung by a friend of ours seemed to go on FOREVER! We stood there holding hands, looking into eachothers eyes trying desperately not to laugh because we felt so conspicuous, so self-conscious, so down-right goofy! When you have that many people just sitting there, watching you, it kinda feels like you should give 'em some sort of song and dance... They had the song, but we're no dancers, as our guests witnessed later at the reception, when we awkwardly shuffled back and forth, trying once again not to be too conspicuous. We freely admit that we had the lamest wedding either of us has ever attended... My mother, heavily medicated over having to share the same air space with my father. My step-sister bridesmaid made her statement with a bleach blond mowhawk she had done just before the wedding... My step-mother dressed in a black suit, so she could make her feelings over our union loud and clear... Between the factions at war on my side of the family and the seething emotions my new relations had for certain members in attendance it's a wonder WWIII didn't break out. It was stressful, it was awkward and it most certainly wasn't like anything I'd read about in my bridal magazines.

However, whatever our wedding day lacked in normalcy, the most important part of it was our becoming husband and wife. Because it's not really about the day... It's about the life... How we deal with the day to day joys, sorrows, delight & frustrations. We've weathered them well and 24 yrs. from now I plan to be recalling with contentment, just how much further we've come... Together!

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Blogger lime said...

may you have at least 24 more happy years together.


4:00 PM, November 26, 2007  
Blogger Miss Awesome said...

That was just the sweetest thing. It's so nice to see such a happy loving marriage! :)

6:00 PM, November 27, 2007  
Blogger EmBee said...

Awww, thanks Lime!

Yep, BMP... They do exist. I hope it happens for you too!

8:11 AM, November 28, 2007  
Blogger Whiskeymarie said...

Very belated and very happy anniversary wishes!

9:27 PM, November 29, 2007  

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