Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Details, Details...

When it comes to decorating a room, I'm all about the details...
Yesterday my daughter and I went to the mecca of cheap chic, 'Marshall's - Home Goods' and I'm overjoyed with the items I was able to find for the office project I'm working on. But here's the sad news in four words: One - Thousand - Dollar - Budget.

Now HGTV will tell you, thousand dollar budget? No problem! But have they ever created a PROFESSIONAL office space on $1,000? (Okay, they probably have but I missed that episode.) I do know one who is capable of such a task... My friend Atlanta Rose. Just check out what she did with her master bedroom suite with something like $35... (I know, it was more than that, but Rose just adores my sarcasm... Right Rose?) Alas, we can't all be like Atlanta Rose and lord knows I just don't have it in me to pick through every 'Goodwill' or 'Garage Sale' I come across and for this project we lack the time as it needs to be ready by July 1st.

So yeah, with a budget of a thousand dollars, a credenza for the computer, an executive desk chair and two client chairs need to be purchased. These are all VERY important items... However, what about the details? The things that make the space feel warm and inviting? Here's some pics of a few of those details:

This bowl is quite large at 16.5" in diameter

The metal piece will be a focal point on a large wall, it measures 37"h and 39"w and I love it so much I want to marry it! I plan on creating some artwork to grace either side of it.

The Atlas was a 'must have' detail because he looks like Amy's husband and like I told Amy, a guy with the weight of the world on his shoulders, in the office of a family lawyer, seems fitting... The fact that he looks like her man... Well, that's a win-win!

Lastly, candles! You never light 'em of course, but they project warmth and help cement the accent colors of the room. I've got a few extra candle sticks I can dig up or perhaps I'll place them on a charger with some colored stones.

We've already blown the budget with just the furniture pieces by $30 (less shipping), but Amy agrees the details are an important aspect... Thank heaven! ... Now if I can just round up some plants?

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Blogger scargosun said...

Sounds like it is going really well! I really like the details you picked. Can't wait to see the whole room!

11:08 AM, June 24, 2008  
Blogger lime said...

oh i wish you could come help me. i just have no eye for this sort of thing at all. heck it's taken me almost a year to pick a color for my kitchen and my bedroom.

1:51 PM, June 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE redecorating...I HATE budgets! You always seem to go over. Am I right? You never hear anyone say, "yeah, it turned out great AND we were $400 UNDER budget." No, it's more like, "It costs a little bit more, but we think it's worth it."

2:43 PM, June 24, 2008  
Blogger EmBee said...

Hey Scargosun... I'll make sure to post before & after pics.

Oh Lime, PUHLeeeezzzzeee come visit... I can help set you up color wise... I have a system!

Christy, You're right... Never under budget. However, on my previous office decorating job I was pretty much given free reign but I have to tell you, decorating for someone WITH money was far more difficult than this job because I found it so intimidating!

3:25 PM, June 24, 2008  
Blogger Salvation Amy said...

And y'all? Are so jealous cause this is going to be MY office. I don't think I've been so excited about anything since I was a little kid, honest for real.

Don't worry about the budget part embee. Anything beyond furniture comes out of my pocket, so I'll rein you in when it's time.

So far I literally could not possibly be more happy about how this is going.

PS - Picked up those knob thingies, and while I was there, some matchbox cars, an etchasketch, pretend food and a few books. A few art supplies and a table, and we are on our WAY.


4:37 PM, June 24, 2008  
Blogger EmBee said...

Woo Hoo Amy! As long as you didn't come home from the antique store with a certain large piece of furniture that was in now way practical then I'm happy! Awesome blossom!

5:48 PM, June 24, 2008  
Blogger Salvation Amy said...

Dammit. I loved that thing. It was so cool. AND ABOUT A THIRD LESS THAN THE THING THAT YOU PICKED OUT FOR THE SAME PURPOSE. Which I love.

Dammit grumble grumble.

8:17 PM, June 24, 2008  
Blogger Salvation Amy said...

You know, I've half a mind to buy you that piece of furniture and present it to you as a gift, and watch as you have to keep it out because it is too bulky to hide in a closet and only bring out when I infrequently come by your house.

8:28 PM, June 24, 2008  

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