Friday, September 05, 2008

What's A Little Hurricane Among Vacationers?

Tomorrow we're headed off on vacation...

Our annual 'Beach' vacation...

You guessed it, we're headed directly into the eye of Hanna. Or Hanna is headed directly into our path. Regardless, we're destined to meet somewhere along the coast. I'm really hoping Hanna is the friendly sort. You know, the type of girl that likes to make sure the garden gets just enough water to insure the flowers continue to grow. Forecasters on the other hand are predicting Hanna is an angry sort of bitch with a nasty attitude.

Nothing like a little hurricane to get a jump-start on all those fine vacation memories. Hmmmm? I wonder where and when Ike's planning on setting up his party?

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Blogger lime said...

yeesh, doesn't sound like the optimal vacation set up. here's hoping...

9:18 AM, September 06, 2008  
Blogger kiddiesandkitties said...

That really is a very beautiful picture. Tomorrow should be a beautiful day, though. I hope you guys have a great time.

11:34 AM, September 06, 2008  
Blogger Cristin said...

I hope she doesn't ruin you fun...

12:51 PM, September 06, 2008  
Blogger scargosun said...

Yeah, Ike is a bit more worrisome than Hanna. Hanna is like a 2 year old with a temper. Ike is like a 2 year old with a temper and super strength.

12:53 PM, September 06, 2008  
Blogger santamaker said...

oh Goodness! I was wondering about your vacation with Hannah..a little uninvited guest... Hopefully it will blow over and leave before you get there. Have a wonderful time. Counting the days until you come over to the home of scarlet !

1:23 PM, September 07, 2008  
Blogger Nature Girl said...

Hannah struck me as the kind of girl who's all hype and no action. The kind of girl that talks a big game but doesn't deliver. The kind of girl who sends her messengers ahead to announce her grand arrival, but when she actually shows up to the ball, no one notices her. Yeah..that's the kind of girl Hannah struck me as. Ike on the other hand, struck me as the type of guy who wanted to show up Gustav but just didn't have the cajones to pull it off though he gave it his best.

Yep...they were appropriately named alright.

But that's just MY perception. I hope your vacation was grand despite the storms.


8:20 PM, September 08, 2008  

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