Labels: absurdities, Humor
You can't leave footprints in the sand if you're sitting on your butt... And who wants to leave buttprints in the sand.
Labels: absurdities, Humor
Labels: Family
Image shown, not actual curtain
I really couldn't add insult to injury by using my wonderful new camera to photograph such a heinous mistake. I did find it astounding thoug, how many times I'm capable of using the 'F-word' in one very long run-on sentence.
You see, while there have been many aspects of this job that have raked my self-esteem over the coals I'd have to say that this particular window treatment has been the bane of my existence. First, the curtain rod didn't fit because the excessive molding left no room for the brackets. The solution of which meant careful consideration and the eventual decision to notch out the molding (thanks, dear husband!)... Second, a miscalculation on length due to the rod needing to be placed higher than expected due to said molding and admittedly, mis-measurements, resulted in the drape panel being 8 freaking inches too short!... Third, a desperate search to find fabric to, if not match, at least compliment, an additional panel added to the drape (It only took 2 trips to the fabric store.) Lastly, begging one of the best friends and seamstresses I know to work her magic and using pay out of my own pocket to compensate her, I finally had the problem panels well in hand. That is until I hit the micro-fiber suede with the iron set on high for linen.
At this point there's only one thing I have to be grateful for... Well two actually... Enough material to sew another extension on to the curtain panel... AND A friend who's willing to sew it! While she's busy doing that I'll just be over here in my corner...
Labels: Frustrations, Projects
Labels: For Fun
we definitly would've stopped. Unfortunately it wasn't visable until we rounded the bend at a good clip and were too far past it before we made the connection as to what it was. Then to later find out on the internet it was totally FREE, we're just hanging our heads in despair at the missed opportunity! You've gotta check out this website to find out how really awesome the guy is who created such magnificence! Mark my words, we WILL be planning another trip along the Blue Ridge and we WILL see 'Foamhenge.'
Oh well, missed opportunities behind us we made our way to Harrisonburg, had a great steak dinner and watched our sons finger continue to swell and redden. Next morning when he awakened he winced in pain and said, "My finger is so swollen I can't bend it." it was, and he couldn't. We got the name of a place called, 'Emergicare' from the hotel front desk but noted that it didn't open until 10:00 which seriously cut into our getting to 'Luray Caverns' time... But you gotta do, what you gotta do, right? Come 9:59 am we pulled into the 'Emergicare' parking lot, walked into the office building, in which it was located, only to find ourselves 9 people deep in waiting for the place to open. 'Round about 10:15 they finally unlocked the doors and we filed into the office in a surpisingly orderly fashion. Shortly thereafter, the nurse informed us that the doctor had just called and was stuck in traffic on the interstate and probably wouldn't be arriving until around 11:00... It's my guess he was really just waking up from last nights bender. The nurse then added that if anyone had a serious problem they should head to the ER. She began taking everyones name and info... And it was no surprise I was behind the latino couple who had their 10 yr. old daughter interpreting for them. When we at last approached the woman behind the desk and explained our plight I was informed that they didn't accept our insurance but if I paid up front and filled out mine, my husbands and my sons life history on a clip board, our insurance would most likely reimburse us. I almost accepted the clip board, when I stopped and said one of the wiser quotes from our vacation, "Wait, You said that if anyone needed to, they should go to the ER... Do you think they'll take our insurance?" She replied, "Yes, they take everything." So we beat a hasty retreat out of 'Emergicare' (good riddance!) and drove right down the street to the area hospital where we were treated promptly and most likely even before the 'Emergicare' doctor arrived at his post. After a bathroom break and a mildly annoying wait at the CVS Pharmacy we were back on the road again.
Luray Caverns - Luray, VA.
The Luray Caverns were beautiful and how could we have known to tour the place on the anniversary of its founding? Dumb luck I guess? Another plus, we somehow missed the majority of crowds who arrived sometime during our visit underground. The caverns were aglow with candelight, which only takes place on this one special day out of the year... Hey, something had to go right! The kids thought it was pretty awesome too... Even the boy with the swollen finger had to admit that this particular vacation event was a winner. My husband and I did the Garden Maze, created out of 8 ft. high hedges. We knew there wasn't a chance in hell that our son would be even remotely interested in this particular activity... Just the thought of him caught in a maze with a errant wasp strikes horror even in our minds... It would make for a hilarious video on You Tube though.
Ornamental Garden Maze - Luray, VA. (Image from the web)So here we are, safe and sound (finger intact, swelling greatly reduced), home at last and a month away from our annual family beach vacation. Gee, I wonder what kind of adventures that's going to bring?